Aeornecaetes.—lord Chief Justice Tenterden Decided In The...
Bench, a few days since, that apothecaries are entitled to charge for attendance upon patients. This decision relieves this class of medical men from the neces- sity of......
An Agent Of Prince Leopold Has Been Engaged, For Two
or three days past, in going round to the booksellers, and collecting for the Prince every work of any authority that has reference to Greece. — Times. A certain amorous......
The Workhouse At Mile-endlg Town Was Broken Into...
by some ruffians, masked and asinied.':'- i rbey clapped a pistol to the head 9f Miss MitsIges, the sullaintenclent arthe establishment, and forced her to give up her keys. They......
Tile Old Bailey Sessions Closed On Wednesday. Sixteen...
been sentenced to transportation for life ; fourteen to transportation for fourteen years; sixty-four to transportation for seven years ; seven to be whipped; and forty-six to......
Stockdale The Publisher Was Held To Bail By Sir Richard
Birnie, on Monday, for an assault upon a Mr. Milne, a solicitor's clerk in Norfolk Street, Strand. Mr. Stockdale was accompanied by a lady, whose man of business Mr. Milne's......