Aeornecaetes.—lord Chief Justice Tenterden Decided In The...
Bench, a few days since, that apothecaries are entitled to charge for attendance upon patients. This decision relieves this class of medical men from the neces- sity of......
Enaseress.—in Our Account, Last Week, Of Mr. Illoolts's...
the Life of Lord BYRON, the name of his Lordship's well-known Satire, "English Bards and Scotch tie- viewers," was, by 4 slip of the pen, erroneously written "Modern Bards."......
Topics Of The Day.
THE CURRENCY—EQUITABLE ADJUSTMENT. Mr. WESTERN has addressed a letter to his constituents, in which he exprisses an opinion, that " neither merchant nor manufacturer will make a......
The Malt And Beer Taxes, And The Licensing System.
THE Edinburgh Review, in one of its recent numbers, exposed in a very ingenious manner a few of the absurdities of the Malt-laws. The newspapers followed its example,......