Mr. O'connell, In A Long Letter To The People Of
Clare, gives an outline of his proposed Parliamentary campaign. He specifies certain objects of local advan- tage—harbours, bridges—which he will strive to secure for the county......
Crry Business.—a Court Of Common Council Was Held On...
As the Lord Mayor was confined by indisposition, Mr. Alderman Wood presided. Mr. Scales presented a petition from the butchers who attend Smithfield Market, praying that that......
Tile Old Bailey Sessions Closed On Wednesday. Sixteen...
been sentenced to transportation for life ; fourteen to transportation for fourteen years; sixty-four to transportation for seven years ; seven to be whipped; and forty-six to......
Funeral Or Sir Tdonias Lawrence. —the Remains Of Sir...
were interred in St. Paul's Cathedral on Thursday. We copy the account given in Friday's Times. " It had been announced that the funeral precession would move from Somerset......