An agent of Prince Leopold has been engaged, for two
or three days past, in going round to the booksellers, and collecting for the Prince every work of any authority that has reference to Greece.—Times. A certain amorous Government clerk, lately riding in the Phcenix Park, Dub- lin, observed the lady of a noble and distinguished functionary walking alone near the Viceregal Lodge. He accosted her in terms of curious familiarity, praised her beauty, inquired her residence, regretted her exposure to the cold, begged to have the pleasure of seeing her home, &c.; to all which he received short quakerish responses. She at length told him she was waiting for a friend. " May I ask his name, Madam ?" " Certainly," was the reply.; " here he is," pointing to her noble husband, who just then appeared. On seeing his Lordship, the affrighted scribe clapped spurs to his horse, and was instantly hors de vae.— Letter from Dublin.
The daughter of a Shropshire gentleman of fortune eloped last week from the house of her brother, a clergyman, with his footman.
A gentleman of military appearance has lately sported in Hyde Park a dark green-bodied cabriolet, without wheels, in lieu of which it is fitted up as a sleigh. The whole of the drive formed a perfect sheet of ice. The sleigh is drawn with great rapidity by a spirited gray horse ; and to the harness are attached a variety of small bells, which from their tinkling noise, and the novelty of sleigh-riding in this country, has attracted no small portion of the attention of the frequenters of this fashionable place of exercise.