The Grecian Daughter.
Miss KEMBLE is not an actress to command admiration like Mrs. gIDDONS, or to win sympathy like the fair O'NEIL ; if is not in the style of her young genius vehemently to move......
The Medico - Botanical Society And The Ex - Director.
MR. nom. and the Medico-Botanical Society! there is nausea in the words—a plague on both their houses; quackery andfoolery have pos 7 sessed them entirely. Mr. FROST will not......
Liberty Of The Subject.
ON the 22d December 1824, JOHN MILLER was convicted of smug- gling eight gallons of brandy, and was sentenced to the penalty of 1001., or the alternative of serving for five......
The Malt And Beer Taxes, And The Licensing System.
THE Edinburgh Review, in one of its recent numbers, exposed in a very ingenious manner a few of the absurdities of the Malt-laws. The newspapers followed its example,......