TILE OLD BAILEY SESSIONS closed on Wednesday. Sixteen persons have
been sentenced to transportation for life ; fourteen to transportation for fourteen years; sixty-four to transportation for seven years ; seven to be whipped; and forty-six to Imprisonment in the House of Correction for different periods. The following cases are all that deserve a separate notice.
Charles Joseph Perry, alias Wilbraham, was indicted for slaying his son, an infant, by throwing an Italian iron. It appeared that the mother of the child and he had quarrelled, and that the iron was meant for her. He was sentenced to one year's hard labour in the House of Correction.
Patrick Macnamara and Elizabeth Macnamara were indicted for breaking into the house of Sarah de Maeedo e Silva, and stealing 351. in money, and upwards of twenty pounds' worth of property. The male prisoner was found guilty ; the female was acquitted. . Frederick Allen and — Ralph were indicted for assaulting and robbing George Fairburn. The prosecutor it appeared, was very drunk at the time the robbery was committed, and had:previously accused another person of robbing him. The Jury therefore acquitted* the prisoners.
Henry Turner Harrington, a young man with the air of a decayed dandy, was found guilty of a robbery in the lodgings of a Madame Requie, a French lady who frequents the saloons. Samuel Pratt, a merchant in Crispin Street, was found guilty of stealing four casks of bristles, of the value of 1981. 16s. the property of Henry Robert Platy, a Russian merchant, in Fenchurch Street.
Samuel Clough was found guilty of stealing from the East India Company's warehouse, in November last, shawls of the value of 20/. He was sentenced to transportation for life.