It Is Confidently Stated, In The Private Accounts From...
that the dissolution of the Chamber of Deputies is fixed ; that Ministers have long been resolved as to the expediency of the measure, and that they have been deterred from......
Common Council.—a Court Was Held Yesterday At Guildhall...
despatch of general business. A resolution was moved that a bye-law should be prepared, declaring every person eligible to the freedom of the City, upon taking the freeman's......
Bungerford Market Bell.—this Bill Passed The House Of...
on Wednesday ; on Thursday, it was read a first, and last night a second time, in the House of Lords. TITH Es.—The Archbishop of CANTERBURY has brought in a Tithe ' Composition......
I. Supply.—the House, (after Some Opposition From Lord...
and Mr. HUME, who contended that the petitions of the people should be discussed before their money was voted away) having re- solved itself into a Committee of Supply, The......
The Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING.—ADOther week of inactivity has passed in our Consol Market. The business done has been comparatively trifling, and the variations in price have......