15 MAY 1830, page 9


THE most perfect union of vocal and dramatic power we have ever yet witnessed, is in the performance of LABLACHE ; who made his first appearance in CIMAROSA'S charming opera......

Rules Of Law W. Habits Of Society.

ONE of the unfortunate peculiarities of our law is, that it is generally superior to a knowledge of circumstances, and maintains its rules in a sublime ignorance of the habits......

Mr. Hummel's Second Concert.

THE highly-gifted musician gave his second concert on Tuesday last. There was little variety in his second performance, as compared with the first ; and indeed, if there had......

Punishment Of Forgery.

THE petition from Edinburgh against the inflicting of capital punish-. ment in the case of forgery, was presented on Thursday by Sir JAMES MACKINTOSH. We are happy to observe......

Education Of Greece.

ME. MACFARLANE, to whose interesting work on Constantinople we owe much of the knowledge we possess concerning the present state of the Turks, has published an address to the......