On Monday, The Archbishop Of Canterbury Introduced A Bill...
the House of Lords for legalizing the composition of Tithes ; on Tuesday, Lord TEYNHAM called the attention of their Lordships to the many imperfections of the present system of......
News Of The Week.
THE KING'S HEALTH. WE have not trifled with our. readers by recording the numerous re- ports on this , melancholy subject which the vocations of our daily contemporaries have......
I. Supply.—the House, (after Some Opposition From Lord...
and Mr. HUME, who contended that the petitions of the people should be discussed before their money was voted away) having re- solved itself into a Committee of Supply, The......
To The Readers Of Tm, Spectator.
We intend to enlarge the size of the SPECTATOR, by one half. Our pages, which are at present 16, will be increased to 24. The form of the paper, however, will not be altered,......