COMMON COUNCIL.—A Court was held yesterday at Guildhall for the
despatch of general business. A resolution was moved that a bye-law should be prepared, declaring every person eligible to the freedom of the City, upon taking the freeman's oath according to the forms of his own reli- gion. When the question was about to be put, it was discovered that there was no Court, and the question was of course postponed. CLERK OF THE PEACE FOR MIDDLESEX.—A letter has been addressed to the Chairman of Accounts by the Deputy Clerk, from which it appears
that the net emoluments of this office amounted last year to 2,0881.15s. 3d. •
of which the principal received 12531. 5s. 2d., and the deputy, 8351. 10s. ld. There is a principle of very simple application in the reduction of salary in
all cases of offices performed by deputy—make the salary of the deputy, no matter how raised, the only one. If the principal like to do the work, let him of course get the payment. For one man to draw a salary for holding an office, and another a salary for doing its duties, is, let the matter be mystified how it may, no better than a piece of public swindling, and merits no gentler treatment. . The Lord Chancellor has appointed Edward Winslow, Esq. Barrister-at- Law, to be one of the Cursitors for London and Middlesex, in the room of the deceased Mr. Talbot.
PROTESTANT REFORMATION SOCIETY.—A meeting of this Society took place yesterday, at the Freemasons' Tavern • Lord Mandeville in the chair. The object of the Meeting appears to have been to devise means to oppose the progress of Popery, and Lord Bexley spoke at considerable length against what he called the increasing influence of the Pope. Several other persons addressed the Meeting in a similar strain. BRAZILIAN MINING Cosirasrv.—The general meeting of this Com- pany was held at the London Tavern on Wednesday. The report read by the Secretary, after adverting to some renewed bickerings between the Com- pany and Mr. Oxenford, proceeded to describe the happy condition of the slaves on their Brazilian estates. These people have, it seems, no longer
any dislike to propagate a race of slaves, for forty-three out of forty-five children born last year were alive at the date of the last despatches. [Are the slaves in Brazil, like the swine, in the habit of eating their children when they have a numerous brood of them ?] The Legislative Assembly
have broke up without coming to any decision upon the duties to be paid by the Company. The fact is, the popular part of the Assembly are decidedly
averse to the Company. The accounts produced to the Meeting bore that 440 bars of gold had been procured from the mines, the value of which was 60,700/. ; a sum that, with the balance on hand, raised the Company's
credits to 116,6631., the net balance, after deducting all expenses, being 54,5441. The expenditure has, it seems, been diminished about 5,0001. per annum. A dividend of 31. Ns. per share, for the last six months, was agreed to.
CHURCHES.—The Society for Building and Repairing Churches held their annual meeting on Wednesday. From the report it appeared, that during
the last year, by means of the Society's grants, 20,967 sittings had been procured in various parts of the country, of which 13,546 were free. Since the institution of the Society, 193,711 appropriated and 14,222 unappropri- ated seats had been procured in the churches of the United Kingdom, at an expense of 133,9901. The subscriptions last year have been few, and the expenditure large ; the consequence of which has been a diminution of the disposable balance from 33,7361. to 26,992/. The Archbishop of Canter- bury presided at the meeting. BRITISH AND FOREIGN SCHOOL SOCIETY.—The annual meeting of the patrons of this institution was held at the Society's house in the Borough
Road on Monday. Lord Bexley was in the chair, instead of Lord John Russell, who sent an apology, and, what was more satisfactory, a hundred pounds. It appears from the report, that there are now above twenty thou-
sand teachers following their occupation agreeably to the principles of the Society, who have under their charge about one million of pupils. From the speech of Lord Bexley, we learn that the attention of the Society is about to be specially directed to the education of Greece. NATIONAL Sciroot..—On Monday, the Archbishop of Canterbury preached a sermon in behalf of the boys and girls of the National School, in the district church of St. John the Evangelist, Waterloo Road. Our con- temporary the Herald tells us the plates for the collection were held by ladies supported on either side by gentlemen. /ANNIVERSARY OF THE SONS OF THE CLERGY.—On Thursday, the anniversary festival of this benevolent institution, which has for its object the apprenticing of the children of necessitous clergymen, was celebrated with great pomp and splendour in St. Paul's Cathedral. Every part of the Cathedral was crowded to excess. The subscriptions at the rehearsal, the anniversary, and the dinner which followed, amounted to 9231.