15 MAY 1830, Page 4

BUNGERFORD MARKET BELL.—This bill passed the House of Com- mons

on Wednesday ; on Thursday, it was read a first, and last night a second time, in the House of Lords.

TITH Es.—The Archbishop of CANTERBURY has brought in a Tithe ' Composition Act, of which the object is to remove the present cause of dis- sension between clergymen and their parishioners, and to encourage farmers to expend capital in their business by sanctioning the composition of tithes for periods of fourteen and twenty-one years. Jana Coats.—Mr. S. RICE moved that the duty on Irish coals, which was found in Ireland to be most oppressive, should be repealed. The CHAN- C ET. L R of the Ex CHEQUER opposed the motion ; which, after a debate of Some length, was lost.

SHIPPING INTEREST OF LONDON.—ERTI STANHOPE having presented a petition from the Shipowners of London, complaining of distress, pro- ceeded to enlarge in the usual manner upon the mischievous influence of free trade ; and the Duke of WELLINGTIDIT met his assertions with the same returns On the actual state of the trade, of which Mr. Herries made such good use in the House of Commons last week.

Hacmer: v COACTIES.—Sir J. WitoTTEsr.Er having submitted a motion for a Committee to inquire into the duties, salaries, and emoluments of the Commissioners of Hackney Coaches, and into the present state of the public carriages, the Chancellor of the Exchequer expressed his satisfaction that the motion had been made. He was anxious to amend the present system. At present no stage coach could take up and set down on the stones of the metropolis without being liable to a penalty. This penalty lie intended to repeal in a clause to a bill, now in progress. There could be few greater conveniences to the public than having cheap and speedy conveyances from one part of this extensive metropolis to the other : those who would other-' wise walk, would thus have an opportunity of riding, and despatching their business without delay.