The First Annual Report Of The London Council Of Social
Service, at 27 Heath Street, Hampstead, shows that in twenty-five of the sixty-nine boroughs and urban districts of Greater London something has been done towards the......
Grain And Chaff From An English Manor. By Arthur H.
Savory. (Oxford : Blackwell. 21s. net.)—In this charming book Mr. Savory sets down his reminiscences of a farmer's life at Aldington in the Vale of Evesham. It is a village......
A War Minister And His Work. By General Von Stein.
(Skeff- ington. 16s. net.)—General von Stein was the Prussian War Minister from October, 1916, to near the end of the war. He had commanded the 14th Reserve Corps which bore the......
The Fifty-first Annual Co-operative Congress, 1919....
volume, issued in time for the Bristol Congress, gives as usual much information about the co-operative movement. Thus the retail distributive societies on .1918 paid over two......
The Victoria And Albert Museum Has Published A Document...
throws light on the mysterious and venerated Chippendale. This is the Accounts of Chippendale, Haig & Co. for the Furnishing of David Garrick's House in the Adelphi, given to......
The Geographical Journal For June Contains The Concluding...
an important address by the Spanish Ambassador on Spanish Morocco, the recent progress of which appears to have been rapid and substantial. Senor Merry del Val took the......