The first annual report of the London Council of Social
Service, at 27 Heath Street, Hampstead, shows that in twenty-five of the sixty-nine boroughs and urban districts of Greater London something has been done towards the establishment of associ- ations of persons interested in "social welfare," apart from politics. Hampstead, St. Pancras and St. Marylebone have worked out schemes of considerable promise, and have helped to create an instructed public opinion which may influence and guide the Borough Councils. It is clear that the laws relating to public health, poor relief, insurance and education cannot be properly worked by the bureaucrats dear to the Socialist mind. The assistance of public-spirited men and women is still needed if the • vast sums devoted to such purposes by the State are to be rightly spent. The object of the Council of Social Service is to arouse interest in such matters and to draw together all willing helpers. It is a worthy object, and the movement deserves to be better known.