Mr. J. H. Thomas, M.p., Addressing A Mass Meeting Of
London railwaymen on Sunday, expressed the opinion that " the increase just awarded was the maximum amount, not only that could be obtained now, but the maximum obtainable." He......
In A Letter Published In The Times Of June 4th
Sir Frederick Banbury describes the fate of an attempt made by some railway workers at King's Cross to prevent the dispatch of munitions for Poland. These men refused to handle......
The Agriculture •bill Was Read A Second Time 'in The
House of Commons on Wednesday, after two days' debate. The Bill 'naturally excited much criticism, but the closure was carried by 190 votes to 42, and no one challenged a......
Mr. Chamberlain Informed The House Of Commons On Monday That
the Government had rejected the proposal to make a capital levy on " war wealth." On Tuesday, when the Labour Party chal- lenged the decision, the Chancellor said that he had......
A Guards Division Could Be Much More Than Doubled On
mobilization. To us it seems positively insane to propose to spend three millions on red cloth and then destroy two such fine regiments with such fine traditions as the Irish......
Mr. Chamberlain Went On To Remind The House That Trade
needed much more capital than before the war, and that at such a time we could not "lightly play hazardous experiments." The mere threat of a levy had almost produced a panic.......
On Tuesday The Secretary For War Made A. Statement In
the House of Commons in reply to numerous questions dealing with the proposed introduction of pre-war uniforms for the Regular Army. During the current financial year it is......
Yesterday Week The National Railway Wages Board 'issued...
on the claims of the railway unions for.increased wages. This award was practically unanimous, the only dissen- tient amongst the thirteen members of the Board being Mr. Donald......
We Rejoice To Record The Success Of The Protests That
have been raised against the proposal to extinguish the Irish Guards and the Welsh Guards, or else to merge them with the Scots Guards In a composite third Regiment of Foot......