In A Letter Published In The Times Of June 4th
Sir Frederick Banbury describes the fate of an attempt made by some railway workers at King's Cross to prevent the dispatch of munitions for Poland. These men refused to handle......
The Trade Returns For May Are Encouraging. The Exports,...
at £119,000,000, show an increase of £13,000,000 over April, whereas the imports, valued at £06,000,000, are nearly a million less, and the re-exports, valued at £20,000,000,......
The Deforcement Of An Armed Guard In Dublin By A
party of Sinn. Feiners has found a speedy parallel in County Cork. A cyclist patrol of eleven soldiers, guided by a policeman, was approaching the village of Carrigtohill at 10......
Before We Leave This Part Of The Subject We Must
reiterate our warnings as to the dangers of conspiracy bunting and of giving any encouragement to persecution by prejudice. It is sure to defeat itself. Look at what happened in......
We Publish Elsewhere A Very Interesting Communication...
Wolf in which he seeks to prove that the pamphlet entitled The Jewish Peril was a forgery produced and put forth by Russian anti-Semites in order to raise an unjust and cruel......
But Even If That Is True, Not All Jews, Nor
even a large number of Jews, but only a few Jews were and are connected with what Disraeli called these unhallowed Societies: Indeed, if we may hazard a guess on the whole......
On June 3rd Mr. Lloyd George Received A Deputation From
the N.U.R. with reference to the refusal of the. Irish railwaymen to handle munitions at North Wall. Mr. J. H. Thomas, who heeded the deputation, said that his Executive, before......
As We Have Said Before, Though We Must Deplore The
publi - cation of The Jewish Peril. pamphlet, and though we feel that it is by no means impossible, as Mr. Lucien Wolf suggests, that the pamphlet is a piece of the worst typo......
Bank Rate,7 Per Cent.,ehanged From 6 Per Cent.apr....
per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 851; Thursday week, RC a year ago, 94k,......