The Geographical Journal for June contains the concluding part of
an important address by the Spanish Ambassador on Spanish Morocco, the recent progress of which appears to have been rapid and substantial. Senor Merry del Val took the opportunity of saying that Tangier, which is not in the Protectorate, "is as thoroughly Spanish as any town beyond my nation's frontiers." Commander Hogarth has a paper of much interest on " War and Discovery in Arabia." It is surprising to learn that before the war Western cartographers did not know the precise route of the Damascus-Medina railway and that, although a Turkish staff map of Medina has been captured, the longitude of that place is still undetermined. Apart from the Hedjaz, Arabia has now yielded up many of its secrets, and the belief in its inhos- pitable nature is confirmed. Mr. W. F. Willis, who was employed last year to survey part of the proposed aerial route from Cairo to the Cape, gives many technical reasons for holding that regular flying up and down Africa is scarcely practicable with existing machines.