THE Royal Family remains at Osborne, enjoying all the appropriate summer pleasures. On Monday and Tuesday, the Queen, Prince Albert, and the children, embarked on board the......
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At a Court of Common Council, on Thursday, Mr. G. Ross moved a resolution to the effect that the Improvement Committee should take the opinion of two eminent engineers as to the......
F Riutr5 Nuir Vrlitrrilittis - Tu Vurlinittrut.
PRINCIPAR• BUSINESS OP THE WEEK. Howse or Limn e. Monday, July '24. gdeen's Message; Vote of Credit—N a .. Nonni Education; Lord Brougham's Statement—Parochial Schoolmasters......
The appointment of the Honourable Francis Lawley to. Liente, nant-Governorship of South Australia, as suceessor to Sir Hnry Youn g , deprives Mr. Gladstone of his private......