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DIORAMA OF THE SEAT OF WAR. The Diorama at the Gallery of Illustration showing the two great Southern points of interest in the war—the line of the Danube and the shores of the......
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PARTNERfSHIP LIABILITY. Edinburgh, 17th Ju ly 1854. Sra—Would you allow me a few words in reply to the letter of W. S." in last number of the Spectator? In a partnership......
The Crystal Palace : The Co/oval:ng Op
THE GREEK CONN% In speaking of the contents of the Greek Court, we reserved the sub- ject of its colouring : a subject which.leads to the interesting question of the colouring......
Prize Plate.
We have inspected at Messrs. Hunt and Roskell's a set of silver plate which has obtained a prize offered by the Goldsmiths Company on the . occasion of the Great Exhibition, "in......
Swearoro And Helsinfors.
This is another of Messrs. Colnaghi's publications connected with the war; which includes, besides those we have previously noticed, views of the bombardment of Odessa and the......