29 JULY 1854, page 19

The Crystal Palace : The Co/oval:ng Op

THE GREEK CONN% In speaking of the contents of the Greek Court, we reserved the sub- ject of its colouring : a subject which.leads to the interesting question of the colouring......

Health Of London During The Week Ending July 22. [from

the Official Return.] Ten Weeks of 1844.'53. Zymotic Diseases 3,113 .... Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat 942 Tubercular Diseases 1,983 Diseases......


On the 20th July, at Cardiff, the Wife of the Hon. J. F. Edger, of Hongkong, of a son. On the 21st, at Stoneham Park, the Wife of Thomas Willie Fleming, Esq., of a son and heir.......

Commercial Gazette.

_Tuesday, July 25. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLYED. - Stubbs and Bredt, Liverpool, tea-merchants-Hindle and Duckworth, Manchester, commission-agents-Thompson and Dutton, Shef- field,......

Military Gazette.

WAR-OFFICE, 7uly 28.-8th Regt. of Light Drags.-R. C. Sawbridge, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Viscount Stormont, promoted in the 1st or Grenadier Regt. of Foot Guards.......