The Last Effort Against Bribery.
FEW measures have been debated with more zeal and care than the bill to consolidate and amend the laws relating to bribery, treating, and undue influence at elections of Members......
Captain T. A. Butler.
DEEPLY as the death of Captain Butler may be lamented, his fate is far from being one from whieh a soldier would recoil. If his life has been cut short, it has been fall ; if......
'nib Courts-martial At Windsor.
THE two companion -Conrts-martial at - Windsor, on Lieutenant Perry and Lieutenant Greer, furnish disclosures which are ex- tremely painful. Although they are separate cases,......
Falsification Of Debate.
THERE is one kind of offence which lies between stupidity and knavery—partaking of the nature of both; and it is increasing in Parliament. It consists in a studied falsification......