17 MARCH 1917, page 2

Our Comment Can Only Be One Of Amazement. (1) Either

the Government are fooling us when, speaking through the mouth of the Prime Minister or of Sir Edward Carson, they tell us we are in deadly peril owing to shortage of food; or......

The Second Read* Of The Bill Deeding With Enemy Princes

and their British titles was moved by the Lord Chancellor in the Lords on Tuesday. Lord Finlay, while approving of the general desire to deprive those who sided with our......

In This Context We May Mention Sir Edward Carson's Most

alarmist statement as to the food question and the apparent inability of the public to understand the peril in which they stand, and Lord Nort'neliffe's statement in a letter to......

These Were Indeed Noble And Memorable Words, And Have An

application far beyond the significance of the moment when they were written. If the shadow of Jefferson still haunts the stately gardens and terraces of Monticello, and could......

We Must Protest Against A Detestable Series Of Paragraphs...

appeared in the. TfreeHy .Dispatch of last Sunday- in regard to the Report of the Dardanelles Commission. In the first place, the losses in the Gallipoli operation, are......

Mr. Lloyd George Gratefully Accepted Mr. Asquith's...

the proposed words. The House could have no idea, he said, of the zeal of India to play a still greater role in the war, and steps were being taken to enable her to do so. In......

Mr. Richardson Went On To Ask Whether Captain Bathurst Was

aware that scores of thousands of tons of Manila sugar had been used for domestic purposes, and that it was usable for everything except with tea. To this the answer was in the......

On Tuesday Also Captain Bathurst Was Interrogated By Mr....

as to whether there were at present in the London West India Docks some ten thousand tons of Manila sugar hought by London dealers, which they were not allowed to clear except......

Jefferson Is The Patron Saint Of The Democratic Party Of

America. To that party his political dicta have always been as the " lively oracles of God." That being so, we feel sure that President Wilson must of late have had in his mind......

The Facts And Figures Given By Mr. Macpherson In The

Commons on Tuesday involved considerable revision of his previous statement that we still retained the mastery of the air on the Western front. He now stated that the situation......

In The Commons On Wednesday The Government Carried The New

Indian Cotton Duties-without the least difficulty. The temper of the debate was, on the whole, so good that it relieves us from the necessity of making more than a mention of......

Mr. Asquith Played A Very Distinguished And Honourable...

the debate. He responded to Mr. Chamberlain's appeal in exactly the right spirit, and deprecated the- perverse raising of contention between Lancashire and India. No sectional......