17 MARCH 1917, Page 2

Mr. Lloyd George gratefully accepted Mr. Asquith's suggestion and added

the proposed words. The House could have no idea, he said, of the zeal of India to play a still greater role in the war, and steps were being taken to enable her to do so. In his opinion, the new duties were a great act of justice. They had sent a thrill of enthusiasm through India. The Lancashire group insisted on a division, and in the result the Government majority was 265 to 125, the Irish Nationalists, of course, voting against the Govern- ment. As we said last week, we recognize good arguments on the Lancashire side, but no county and no trade can be allowed a free veto on the wishes of the mat of the Empire. The cotton trade must not got into the habit of spelling its name with a big "T." That privilege is reserved for another trade.