17 MARCH 1917, Page 2

The second read* of the Bill deeding with Enemy Princes

and their British titles was moved by the Lord Chancellor in the Lords on Tuesday. Lord Finlay, while approving of the general desire to deprive those who sided with our enemies—" and such enemies ! "- from enjoying high dignity in this country, dissented from the argument that the persona against whom the Bill would operate were traitors. Lord Courtney moved the rejection of the Bill, and Lord Lansdowne, -while not prepared to vote against it, criticized its provisions as based on the mistaken assumption that the value of distinctions and rewards held by subjects in this country was in any way impaired because similar honours had been con- ferred on people who by force of circumstances had now become enemies of this country. Ultimately the Bill was read a second time on the understanding that it should be referred to a Select Committee.