WE have not trifled with our. readers by recording the numerous re- ports on this, melancholy subject which the vocations of our daily contemporaries have led them to circulate. We were afraid to trust to those which spoke lightly of the danger of the Royal sufferer, yet our feelings of regard for a Monarch who has many claims to the attach- ment of his people, combated the gloomy anticipations in which others indulged. We have hoped against hope. Now, however, -we can no longer struggle against the conviction, that the most brilliant reign that has distinguished the long and glorious annals of England is fast drawing to a close. Perhaps we should still have scrupled to anticipate an event that will spread mourning over the whole land, had not the example been set us by a journal which does not pledge its character in matters of so deep import without the strongest evi- dence to bear it out. We copy from the Times of this morning.
" Not merely from the language of the bulletins, but from other sources, we have reason to believe that the demise of the Crown is very near. The bodily sufferings of his Majesty are such as to haveextinguished in the Royal mind all desire to live. His Majesty, in the intervals of pain, is perfectly tranquil, and prepared for the result, of which he is fully aware."
His Majesty has applied himself to the consolations of religion, and has had affectionate interviews with most of the members of his family.
The following are the bulletins of the week.
" Windsor Castle, May 9, 1830.—The King has passed a tranquil night. His Majesty's symptoms are essentially the same." " Windsor Castle, May 10, 1830.—The King passed yesterday evening and
the night in composure, with some sleep ; but his Majesty's symptoms re- main the same."
" Windsor Castle, May 11, 1830.—His Majesty's symptoms are not mate- rially mitigated; but his Majesty had some sleep last night." " Windsor Castle, May 12, 1830.—The King has passed a disturbed night. His Majesty's symptoms continue the same." " Windsor Castle, May 13, 1830.—The King has passed a more comfortable night. The symptoms of his Majesty's complaint, however, do not vary." Windsor Castle, May 14, 1830.—The King continues in the same state. His Majesty has had a bad night." " Windsor Castle, May 15, 1830.—The King has had some refreshing sleep, and his Majesty feels himself rather better."