In a letter published in the Times of June 4th
Sir Frederick Banbury describes the fate of an attempt made by some railway workers at King's Cross to prevent the dispatch of munitions for Poland. These men refused to handle certain packages addressed " War Supply Department, Revel," and in support of their refusal produced an unsigned letter instructing members of the N.17.R.—on whose official letter-paper it W8.8 written- " to refuse to handle any material which is intended to assist Poland against the Russian people." The reason that the Executive Committee is " convinced that the police, of Poland is being carried out at the behest of the capitalist nations of Europe." The General Manager of the Great Northern.Railway thereupon warned the men that, if they persisted in. defying orders, and so hindering the Company in the discharge of their legal obligations, they would he dismissed. He informed the secretary of the N.U.E., who replied that the instructions under which the men acted had been withdrawn.