Dr. Leslie, Bishop of Kilmore, died on Saturday last, at
Cavan, in his eighty-second year. He was consecrated Bishop of Dromore in 1812, translated to Elphin in 1819, and, under the Church Temporalities Act, took possession of Kilmore in 1841. By his death a large sum will come into the hands of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners.
The Irish Militia; to be organized next year, will consist of thirty-eight regiments, amounting to, 4.,00,0 rank arid file, At present there are four- teen adjutanciei Vacant, and the total staffs of all grades is only 170 on paper. It is anticipated that there will be some difficulty in raising this • lone, in consequence of the great emigration, "the comparative abund- ance and increased prices of labouring employment," and the general en- listment for the regular army now in progress.
At. a meeting of. the Magistrates of Armagh, on Thursday sennight, it was resolved that the Police force of the-county should be reduced from 17 to 26; the peace of the county justifying that step.
James Ruaiell, an Orangeman of Belfast, has been killed in a scuffle arising out of the Orange celebration of the Twelfth. A Coroner's Jury has re- turned a verdict of " Wilful murder" against Michael Stanford, by whom the deceased.was stabbed,