FUND 8. (Closing Pric)
Bogard...Monday. rtrosdoy. Weines.1 tuira.
1 sits. 5 pnt.
Er El 1 NI 211i-
49:1 , 11
211 214) 225 222
2 pm. I par 2 pm.
Bristol and Exeter Caledonian Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Great Northern Great South. and West. Ireland Great Western Hull and Selby Jamoshtre and Yorkshire Lancaster and Carlisle London, Brighton, St South Coast London and Blackwell London and North-western Midland Midland Great Western (Ireland) North British Oxford, Wor. and Wolverhampton Scottish Central South-eastern and Dover London and South-western York, Newcastle, and Berwick York and North Midland
Bast and West India London St. Katherine Victoria Austrian p. Ct. Belgian 1 - Ditto 21 - Brazilian Buenos Ayres 5 - Chllian 6 Danish 5- Ditto 3 —
Dutch (Ex.. 12 Guilders) —24 — Ditto 4 -
French 9 -
Ditto 44 Massachusetts(SterlIng) 5 -
_ 991 — — 102 _ 19) 911 — 99f.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Bvening.) FOREIGN FUNDS.
(Lest °Bidet Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Mexican a p.Ct Mississippi 6 - New York 6 Peruvian 41 - Portuguese 5 - Ditto. 3 - Russian I Ditto 41 - Sardinian 4 Spanish 3 --
Ditto New Deferred 3 -
Ditto (Passive) Venezuela 31 —
B 1LS-
Australaidan British North American Colonial Commercial et London London and Westminster London of Australia London Joint Stock National of ....... National Provincial Provincial ofTreland...., Colon of Australia ' Union of London MINES-- Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Hey) Cobre Copper Colonial Geld Nouveau Monde
A.ustrahan Agricultural Canada Crystal Palace General Steam Reel River Land and Xlneral Peninsular and Oriental Steam Royal Mail Steam South Australian per Cent Consols Ditto for Account
3 per emits Redueed.,.,..s+ 31 per Cents EULong Annuities
Stock, 9 per Cent India Stock, 101 per Cent Exchequer Bills, 2id. per diem India Bonds 4 per Cent 991 631 58 131 90 791 671 901 107 ex d. 82 1/52 671 311 33 94 61 1 83 741 554 1161 102 91 24j los 981
851 371 .181 841 Cl 34 1
101 01 27 43
681 ez d. 21
43 se 44 03 41 31 49
921 921 14 921 931 9.31 211 I 210 2i4 1 dis. par
• BANK OF ENGLAND. - I An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 22d day of July 1554.
Notes issued £26,901,010 Government Debt £11,011,101 Other Securitiee ...... • . 3,984.900 Gold Coin and Bullion 12,901,010 S ilver Bullion £26,901,010 £16,991,070
D ....... NT. •
Proprietors' Capital £14,333,000 Government Securities (in- Rest 3,328.132 clad.: gllead WeightAnnuityl £11,810.393 Public Deposits. 3,058,783 Othe Sec tuities.... t.... ..... 13,619.415 Other Deposits 11,6)69,3119 Notes 6,241,485
Eleven Day and otherBills 1,057,234 Gold and Silver Coln 792 0))7
£32,606,950 • Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks, CommissionersofNationel Debt, & BULLION. Per oz. METALS.
Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard ....Z3 17 9 Copper,British Cekess126 0
ForeignGoldinCoin,PortugulPieces 0 0 0 Iron, Welsh Bars 0 0 New Dollars 0 5 11 Lead, British Pig 22 10
Silver in Bars,Standard 0 5 11 Steel, Swedish Keg... •20 0
GRAIN, Mark Lane, July 28.
Maple _ 4t 48 Oata, Feed ..23 to 21 White ., 60-31. Pins .. 27-23
Boilers 51 - 56 Poland ... 27-2a
Beans, lidos 44 --,411 Fine ..28-30
Old 48-63 Potato.... 92-N indhui Corn 33-38 Fine .. 94-35 WEEKLY AVERAGE. For the Week ending July 22.
Wheat 711.10 l. !Eye .. 476. 47.
Barley 37 I . Beans ... ,.. 48 II Oats 30 7 Peas 43 4 PROVISTONS. Butter-61342er Fresh, 12».- ud. per dos. Carlow.(41. 136. to al. 15s. per ewt. Bacon, Irish per CST. 705. to l'Ar.
Cheese, Cheshire • ' 56 - 70
Derby Plain GO - 68 Hams, York . 74 -- 84 Eggs, French, per 120, 0, 061. to 0.. ed.
NEWOrrE AND 1.7.ADDERALL.• SMISDP■eLD.. I. d. 4. •e# d. a. d. 6. d.d. Beef .. 3 4 to 4 to 4 6 ..,. 3 0 to 4 8 to 5 0 Mutton. 3 6- 4 0- 4 6 .... 4 0- 4 -6 5 0 Veal 3 2 - 4 0 - 4 63 4 - 6 - 111 Pork 3 8 - 4 0 4 .... 4 0 - 4 - 4 8 Lamb 4 4- 4 8 - 5 4 - .. 4 8- 5 0- 5 8
• To sins the offal , per a 116.
' 1,t OOL.
Down and bali-bred Hogs per lb. 10d. W,0'•
• Wetber and Ewe 10 - .11 Leicester nugget ilia VI, ether.. • • 11 — , Skin Combing .0 — 0
Tea, Rourhong; fina.P.114.." "- 10
Co Sou, fint . • •
Pekoe,hoinal.04 L.. 6.4.), 1 4 - 8. • in Nond.6.6eu isus O. 11, Ooffee;flue (lif hondrow2762x 6d. to 4.. ' Good OrdMarl4.' . .. ...................... Sugar, Moscovadta4rtrtit=1.-1-i, Ed. WerreCRA,..!
1010, W1051.
— 40
31 - iQ
Hay, Good Inferior New Clover Wheat Straw HAY AND STRAW. Per Load MSS Trusses.) Cuazenmon. Saimaa.. 98s. to 11E. 90x to 95,
35 - 90 60 0 .4- 70 90 -0. .
- o
115 -120 110 —1 40 —45 30. -.40.
£32,606,950 Dividend Ant.
Per ton. 0 .. 000 0 .. 0 0 ft 0 23 5 0'.. 21 0 0
Wlmat,R.New 0 to 0 Fine 0 0
Old 56-60
White 56 -62
Fine 64 -70 Super. New. 0- 0
Rye e to 0
Barley 33 - 35 Malting 36-37 Malt, Ord., 61-68 Fine 68 -70 Peas, Hug 40 -46 AVERAGE PRICES OP CORN. Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales
Wheat.... 76a. Id. rye 496. 464.
Barley.... 37 0 Beans 49 4 Oats 30 2 Peas 46 10 FLOUR..
Town made pet sack 58s. to 68s.
Seconds 48 52 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 40 - 30 Norfolk and Stockton 42 44 American per barrel 33 30 Canadian 33 38 Bread, 8d. to 10d. the 41b loaf.
HEAD or 0■121.1 at
Friday, blusd0(
Beasts . 742, 4,032
Sheep .13,130 2030
Coil 00. 710 rig.... 310 310
lent Pockets Cholee ditto 14.. Sasses ditto' Farnham ditto 06. to Os O - 0 • - 0 O - 0
Rape Oil per cwt. £2 2 0 Refined 2 1 6
Linseed Oil 115 .0 Linseed 011-Ckke per 1000 14 u 0
Candles, per dozen tic Od. tuffs. Od. Moulds, per dozen Os. Od. to Ot. Oa: Coals, lielten... Od.