23 JANUARY 1830, Page 2


STOCK EXCHANGE, SATURDAY MORNING, HALF-PAST TEN.—The books were opened for the public transfer of Consols on Wednesday last, which was also the day of account at the Stock Exchange, and there has been very con- siderable business during the week, both by anticipation and in consequence. The tendency of prices has been decidedly downwards, and yesterday espe- cially, the confidence of the speculators for a rise was somewhat rudely shaken. The price of Consols is now stated without the dividend, and 933, the present money price, is equal to 941 of last week, being a retrograde in the whole of about one per cent. On Wednesday (the account day) it was quite evident that much more Stock had been bought by the speculators than tliey were able to pay for, and they were accordingly borrowers of money in every quarter, at the rate of 4 per cent and upwards, in a 3 per Cent Stock. Being thus, in the jargon of the Market, generally bulls, or full of Stock which the public had not come forward to buy so freely as had been expected, the nerves of the speculators became unusually sensitive ; and although to- wards the close of Wednesday the Market looked firm at 94 for the Feb- ruary account, and continued so next morning, upon the occurrence of one considerable sale the price fell to 94 ; and before the close of Thursday, upon some rumours of the King's illness, touched 93/. Yesterday morning's Market opened indeed rather higher at 94.1 buyers; but before the end of an hour, the sales had been so numerous that Consols for Money were sold at 921, and for the Account at 93/. At this point some purchases gave heart to the bulls, and the price afterwards rose to 93i, at which it has since remained. At the moment of our writing the Market is tranquil.

The heavy Stocks have not been materially affected by this fall in Consols. Indeed we should rather expect the 4 per Cents to advance upon a fall in Consols, the decline of the latter, diminishing of course the probability of the Fours being paid off. Exchequer Bills are higher than last week, viz. 77 to 78 ; and so are India Bonds, viz. 74. India Stock is at 230 or 231.

In the Foreign or Share Markets there is nothing worthy of notice, except a rise of full one per cent. in Spanish Bonds. All the South American Bonds are lower excepting Brazil, and so are all the shares; but there has been hardly any business, the Consols Market have absorbed for the time the attention of both Markets.

HALF-PAST TWELVE.—The Consol Market is heavy, and the price lower, 93 to I, but there is very little business. In the Foreign Market we do not hear of a single bargain of consequence.

BRITISH FUNDS. Chilian, 6 per Cent. 273 281

Bank Stock, 2173 2183 Colombian, 241 253

3 per Cent. Reduced, 94 93E 94 933 Ditto, 1824, 6 per Cent. 3 per Cent. Consols, 93} 93 Danish, 3 per Cent. 751 76} 33 per Cent. 1818, French 5 per Cents.

33 per Cent. Reduced, 1001 Ditto 3 per Cents.

New 4 per Cents. 1822, lull i Greek 5 per Cent. 333 34 4 per Cents. 1826, 1053 Mexican, 6 per Cent. 20 27 Long Annuities, (which expire 5th Jan. Neapolitan,5 per Cent.

1860) 19 11-16ths 3 Peruvian, 6 per Cent. 181 193 India Stock, div. 103 per Cent. 230 231 Portuguese, 5 per Cent.59 GO South Sea Stock, div.33 per Cent. Prussian, India Bonds, (4 per Cent, until March, Russian, 110 1103 1829, thereafter3per Cent.) 72 74 Spanish, Ili 113

Exchequer Bills. (interest 13d. per cent. SHARES. per diem,) 77 79 78 Anglo-Mexican, 391. lft. 40!. 10s,

Consols foi Account 933 i Brazilian, Imperial, 821. 10s. 931. 10s.

FOREIGN FUNDS. Real del Monte. 671. 691.

Austrian Bonds, 5 per cent. Bolanos, 470/. 4901. •

Brazilian Bonds, 5 per cent. 72 Colombian, 101. III.

Buenos Ayres, 6 per Cent. 30 32 United Mexican. 17!. 10s. 18!.10s.