THE Kixo.—His Majesty, it appears, was slightly indisposed in the
beginning of the week, and some alarming reports found their way into circulation. His Majesty has now completely recovered. Ile was visited yesterday by the Duke of Cumberland; and afterwards gave an audience of two hours to the Duke o Wellington.
Prince Leopold has been on a visit to Earl Darnley, at Sandgate. Mr. Peel had a private dinner-party on Monday. It consisted of the Lord Chancellor, Mr. Washington Irving, and a select few. Mr. Peel gives a grand Parliamentary dinner on the 3d of next month.
Lord Rosslyn gave his first Cabinet dinner on Wednesday.
The Duchess of Buckingham has left Avingtou, for Stowe Park. The Mar- chioness of Cornwallis has gone to Brighton.
Mr. Vesey Fitzgerald has experienced a relapse. Mr. Huskisson is on a visit to Earl Cowper.
The Right Honourable Charles Grant has arrived in town from a tour in Italy.