Suspension-bridge At Montrose.—on The Afternoon Of The...
crowd of people having assembled on the suspension-bridge at Mon- trose, to witness a boat-race, one of the chains unfiatunately gave way to the strain, and a portion of it......
Family Quarrels.—a Young Man Named. Alexander Was...
Street, OR Monday, for an attempt to shoot his father. He had discharged a pistol at him, but it proved to have been loaded with powder only ; another was seized in which was a......
Tun Kelm—his Majesty Has Had A Slight Cold ; But
he has been able to resume his drives in the Great Park. It has been intimated by the Lord Chamberlain, that his Majesty will hold a levee at St. James's on the 21st of April,......
Til Foub. Rf:it Cent. St Oc Ks.—the Long-expected Notice On
the sub- ject of the conversion of the four per cents. was given on Wednesday morning at the Bank and at the Stock Exchange. It is in the followine ° terms.—" A new Stock to be......
Spring Assizes.—at The Leicester Assizes, John Edwards...
Watt were found guilty of robbing Daniel Wall of twelve sovereigns. John Watkins and William Thomson were found guilty of robbing John Carver of 341. The whole were condemned to......