Charles The Tenth Has Prorogued His Parliament, In Return...
the liberty which one branch of it took of censuring his Ministers. The Royal pleasure was signified on the 19th. The King, as they say in Ireland, has given the Legislature a......
Another Expedition Against Mexico Was To Sail From Cadiz On
the 8th of this month. It is now alleged that the principal cause of BARRADAS'S failure was the want of provisions ; and a Sefior Don EDMOND() MORAY, in order to prevent a......
When The States-general Of The Netherlands Rejected The...
a number of Government officiaries voted in the majority, and were dismissed in consequence. M. de POTTER, who is at pre- sent in prison for libel, projected a national......
By The Latest Accounts From Hayti, It Appears That The
King of Spain has claimed restitution of the eastern part of the island, and that the President BOYER has flatly refused to comply with Ins claims. If this refusal should lead......
Tun Kelm—his Majesty Has Had A Slight Cold ; But
he has been able to resume his drives in the Great Park. It has been intimated by the Lord Chamberlain, that his Majesty will hold a levee at St. James's on the 21st of April,......
The Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, SATURDAY MORNING.—The Money Market has, durino - the week, given unequivocal proof that it is no longer to be acted upon with the facility which formerly......