27 MARCH 1830, Page 6

Til FOUB. rf:It CENT. ST OC Ks.—The long-expected notice on

the sub- ject of the conversion of the four per cents. was given on Wednesday morning at the Bank and at the Stock Exchange. It is in the followine° terms.—" A new Stock to be created, bearing an interest at the rate of 31.10s. per cent. per annum, the interest to be payable on the 5th ofJanuary and 5th of July in each year, and not to be paid off until the 5th of- January 1849.

" All holders of New 4 per Cents, who shall not signify their dissent, shall have for every 1001. of new 4 per Cent. Annuities, 100/. in the New 3a, per Cent. Stock ; the first dividend of the New aa per Cent. Stock to be payable on the 5th of January 1831. The said New ;ea per Cent. Stock not to be liable to redemption until the 5th day of January 1840. Books to be opened at the Bank of England from Monday the 5th of April to Saturday the 24th April, both days inclusive, for receiving signatures of persons dissenting. Persons not signifying their dissent within this period to be deemed to have assented, unless they shall have been out of the United Kingdom for the whole of such period, in which case they shall be permitted . to express such dissent at any time before the 1st July 1830; and any per- sons who may be in any other part of the world except Europe, to be per- mitted to express their dissent at any time before the 1st of April 1831. Persons not signifying their dissent within the periods respectively speci- fied, to have the option, during one month from the day limited for the sig- nification of their dissent, to subscribe to a new 5 per Cent. Stock, not re- deemable until the 5th of January 1873, receiving 70/. of such stock for every 100/. New 4 per Cents, held by them. Persons signifying their dis- sent, to be paid off in such order, at such periods, and in such manner, as Parliament may direct. All holders of New 4 per Cents, will receive the dividend due on the 5th July 1839." EAST INDIA DIRECTION.—There are at present two vacancies in t East India Direction, occasioned by the resignation of Messrs. Bele, and Pattison. One of these is to be filled up on the 6th of April, when Mr. Forbes and Mr. Mackinnon will come forward as candidates. The candi- dates for Pe other vacancy, which is to be filled up on the following day, are Messrs. Shank and Ellice; and, if unsuccessful on the 6th, most probably Mr. Mackinnon. The general election of six Directors, in the room of those who go out by rotation, takes place on the 14th of April ; when five ex-members of the Court, via. lUessrs. Baillie, Carnac, Lushington, Mus- pratt, and VVigram—wilt be proposed as usual ; and to supply the vacancy occasioned by the death of Sir Robert Farquhar, who was also an ex-Director, Messrs. Lyall, Hobhouse, . and Baring, have announced their intention to come forward. In addition to these, the unsuccessful candidates on the 6th and 7th will probably again proceed to the ballot. Very little doubt of the success of Messrs. Forbes and Shank seems to be entertained ; but much uncertainty exists as to the result of the general election. In the struggle to supply the place of Sir Robert Farquhar, more than one new candidate may obtain admission, to the exclusion of ex-Directors. On a farmer oc- casion, one of the gentlemen now out by rotation (Mr. Wigram) was ejected under circumstances precisely similar to those which distinguish the election about to take place. The annual festival of St. Anne's Charity Schools was held at the London Tavern on Monday, Mr. Alderman kairebrother in the chair. The sub- scriptions announced at the dinner amounted to 1200/. The Irish coal-whippers in Wapping have been engaged of late in various brawls with the police, several of whom have been severely injured. Vika was a meeting at Leeds last week to petition for a further reduc- tion of taxes, and for the "full, free, and equal representation of the people in the House of Commons."

tAn English company have determined on employing 50,0001. in starting a number of stage-coaches in different parts of Ireland.—Limerick Even. Post 4 - The competition among the Glasgow steam-boats has been carried so far at passengers have been brought from Belfast to Glasgow for 2ic/. each.