STOCK EXCHANGE, SATURDAY MORNING.—The Money Market has, durino- the week, given unequivocal proof that it is no longer to be acted upon with the facility which formerly attended the transactions of the jobbers. Whether the public arc become more sensible of the fully of being led hastily to buy or sell by mere rumours, or whether the jobbers are now lcss skilful in their in- ventions, we know not; but certainly the Market is and has been for some time very steady. On the announcement of the Chancellor of the Exche- quer, of his intention to reduce the 4 per Cents. some of the operators for a fall, thinking the opportunity a good one, immediately put forth a variety of rumours; according to which some of the largest holders of stock were about to sell—the feeling of the Stock Exchange was against the measure—a public meeting was to be held to remonstrate with the Chancellor, &c. fee. As the propagators of these rumours pretended at the same time to he selling, a slight effect was produced. Consols for the Account fell from 921 to 921; but they rallied to the former price befor e the end of the day, and have since re- mained steady. The general opinion now in the City is, that as there is no secure way of investing capital at a much better rate of interest than that offered by Government, the Funds will remain at their present price,;, or even higher, unless events in France should take such a turn as materially to influ- ence the prices of the French Funds, a great fall in which, even without grave political cause, would necessarily affect our public securities,
Ia the Foreign Market, the chief speculation has been in Greek Bonds;
which have fluctuated between 3,31 and 414. Since their recovery from the effect of a paragraph in the Courier, which was calculated to depress them, by making it appear that the new Sovereign of Greece intends to raise money, if he can, without rega.rd to the national faith, they are become a more marketable commodity. It is certainly true that the Courier paragraph has been disowned by Government, still the public cannot exercise too much caution. The French Funds have stood well, but the transactions have been limited. Very little has been done in South American Bonds. Mexican 6 per Cents, have been done at 30 to 31, and Colombian at 21. No great im- provement can be expected in these Bonds, until the result of the conferences which are said to be going on for an arrangement between the Spanish Government and the British Ambassador at Madrid, for a truce between Old Spain and her former colonies, can be known. It is affirmed that there are such conferences. Russian Stock has been in good demand at 110 to 11(3 The other Securities are all steady. Exchequer Bills and India Bonds have fluctuated from 78 to 80.
HALF-PAST ONE o'cLocg.—There has been a good deal of business doing to-day, but the Market has not advanced. The following are the prices.
BRITISH FUNDS. Chinni], 6 per Cent.
Rank Stock, Colombian, 3 per Cent. Reduced Ditto, 1524.6 per Cent. 3 per Cent. Consols, 92/ Danish, 3 per Cent. 31 per Cent. 1818, French 5 per Cents.
84 per Cent. Reduced, Ditto 3 per Cents. New 4 per Cents. 1822, Greek S per Cent. 401
4 per Cents. 1526, Mexican, 6 per Cent. 31 Long Annuities, (which expire 5th Jan. Neapolitan, 5 per Cent. 1860) Peruvian. 6 per Cent. India Stock, div. 236 per Cent. Portuguese, 5 per Cent. 59i Slab Sea Stock, di v. 3f per Cent. Prussian,
India Builds, (4 per Cent. until March, Russian, 110+
11429, thereafter3 per Cent.) 80 Spanish, 141 1
Exchequer Bills, (interest lid. per cent. snAnns. per diem,) /9 80 Anglo-Mexican, 381. 391. Consols lot Account 921 Brazilian, Imperial, 91. 10s. 101. FOREIGN FUNDS. Real del Monte, 511. 531. Austrian Bonds, 5 per cent. Datum's, 485 495
Brazilian Bonds, 5 per cent. 701 71 Colombian, 201. 211.
Buenos Ayres, 6 per Cent. United Mexican. 194 10.1. 201. 10s.