Mr. Balfour Then Defended The Education Bill, And Forecast A
scheme for London, hinting that it would be based on the new municipalities, and incidentally paid a just compliment to the Metropolis. It might lack the self-conscious......
We Trust That The Rumours May Prove True That The
Government intend to abolish the political Lord- Lieutenancy of Ireland and to appoint to the post a member of the Royal Family, the Irish Secretary occupying a seat in the......
On Thursday The Irish Debate Was Continued With Even Greater
vehemence, its chief feature being a vitriolic speech from Mr. Healy. Utterances of that kind can, however, be as greatly enjoyed by Unionists as by the most fervent Irish......
The "memoranda" Issued By The Liberal Unionist Associa-...
1902) gives the following quotation from a speech made by Mr. Joseph Devlin, the Nationalist M.P. who, in the House of Commons on Wednesday, made a maiden speech of considerable......
The Select Committee Of The House Of Commons Appointed To
inquire into Savings Bank Funds have advised that the rate of interest allowed them by the State should be reduced by one-eighth per cent., that is, from £2 10s. per cent. to £2......
At The Sitting Of The Wesleyan Conference At Manchester On
Wednesday Mr. Perks announced that the Committee of the Twentieth Century Fund (of which £1,041,000 has been either received or promised before the close of the year) had......
Mr. Balfour Made His First Public Speech As Premier Last
Satur- day at Fulham. After a graceful reference to Lord Salisbury as the most illustrious representative of British public life," and an expression of his hope that Continental......
Bank Bate, 3 Per Cent. New Consols (2t) Were On
Friday 94......