We trust that the rumours may prove true that the
Government intend to abolish the political Lord- Lieutenancy of Ireland and to appoint to the post a member of the Royal Family, the Irish Secretary occupying a seat in the Cabinet. We have always been most anxious (1) that the Lord-Lieutenancy— " that symbol of separation," as it.was called fifty years ago—should either be abolished or else rendered entirely non-political ; and (2) that a member of the Royal Family should have his home in Ireland. The Duke of Connaught would be an admirable appointment for the first Royal Viceroy. But we hope that when making the change the Government may be induced to establish a country Royal Palace in Ireland for the Viceroy. There must be plenty of magnificent Irish houses and demesnes available for purohase at moderate sums. Of course, if such a plate is purchased by the nation it must be properly maintained at the public charge, and not made into a white elephant for the non-political Viceroy.