[to The Editor The "spectator. ")
SrR,—Your correspondent, "L. J. R.," in the Spectator of July 19th has quoted a passage from the Life of Edward Thring anent Dr. Keate's well-known colossal flogging, in which......
A Colossal Flogging.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR, — Under the above heading there appeared in the Spectator of July 19th a not very accurate account of an incident that took place at......
The Art Of Argument.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE sewn:roan Six,—It has struck me that it would be of great advantage to the schoolboy who has attained a certain age and position in his school if he were......
Schoolmasters And Celibacy. [to The Editor Op The "...
J SIR,—In the extract from Mr. Benson's book on " The Schoolmaster" made in your review of July 12th, there is one statement so remarkable that I venture to call attention to......
Teutonic Anglophobia.
ITO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. SIR, — It is not to be wondered at that Germany wishes to minimise the effects of the infamous "campaign of lies" which has been carried on......