Accounts From Constantinople Mention, That The British...
that city had received orders to join the fleet at Tenedos immediately ; whence it was inferred that a demonstration at Alex- andria was intended. Asia Minor is infested by......
The Half-yearly Meeting Of Proprietors Of Bank Stock Was...
on Thursday, for the purpose of declaring a dividend. The Governor moved that the dividend be 31 per cent. for six months ending in Oc- tober next. In reply to quegions from Mr.......
The Harvest In France Seems To Have Been Less Productive
than the public accounts transmitted to this country led us to suppose. The price of bread in Paris is very high—fqd. the quartern loaf; and disturbances have occurred in the......
Affairs In Switzerland Are Still In A Troubled State. The
German Swiss of the Upper Valais have declared their resolution to resist the constituted authorities. A scuffle ensued between the police and the populace, and a policeman was......
Zbe Court.
THE Queen has now a large party at Windsor Castle. We find the following names of distinguished guests at her Majesty's table during the week—the Duke of Wellington, Lord......
Ebe Alittropolts.
The revision of the list of Parliamentary voters for the city of Lon- don commenced at the Guildhall on Monday, The Tories have put is 150 claims; and 310 objections. The......
The Spanish Civil War Is Nearly Finished. On Sunday, Don
CARLOS, closely rtirSited ESeA.RTERO, crossed the frontier, and surrendered himself to the French Sub-Prefect of Bayonne. It appears that up to the last moment he was undecided......