The Spanish civil war is nearly finished. On Sunday, Don
CARLOS, closely rtirSited ESeA.RTERO, crossed the frontier, and surrendered himself to the French Sub-Prefect of Bayonne. It appears that up to the last moment he was undecided ; and he
lingered in Spam till the fire of Eseannato's musketry forced him to decamp. The fAlewiegi the Bayonne Prefect's account of the
affitir- " Learning, 101 flu muting Er tire 1 'Itb, the arrival of the Pretender at
Urdax, 1 proceeded to Ainhoa, and inir,..ned. him that it was best he should come
into France, surrounded as he Wri■ !iy (111 troops and by the Christhms ; and
that it would he easy for me to intervene for a capitulation, insuring the salay of his fbllowers. At mid-day, the Intendant-General informed,sue-Haab_
Don Carlos was about to cross the i.ron tier. At two o'clock, 11,471:411SIOLSO;;;‘, declared to me that Don Carlos was no longer decided. I itlek or4-900lieif front'. to be closed, and at three o'clock was told that Don Caka.'w,as
to pass into France. As the tiring of musketry began tube iiktai*thriiimok._:i.d.r, refugees, not belonging to the milharv. crossed' the frontier ; and-,tit fr,4 three Don Carlos presented himself; with his family. 1 coraidted
metliately to a place of safety. and returned to the frontier to &Feet .„„r; trance of the fugitives; being about 2,000 Carlist soldiers,; Fero. I saw General Espartero himself, who expressed to O/4417p Colonel of the Thirty-seventh Regiment, his entire satisfeetio461_ try la
, -
The Pretender could not believe, an hour before he passed the frontier, that ESPARTERO was close upon his track, and he Was sitting down to dinner when he heard the discharge of the Chris- tino guns. He immediately rose, tore up some papers, and with the Princess of BBIBA, who seized the holy standard of the Virgin, mounted his horse and ,galloped into France. The Prince of Asruems and the Infant Don SEBASTIAN followed him. Four of his Navarrese battalions crossed the frontier, and were disarmed by the French authorities. The remainder marched away into the mountains ; and ESPARTERO was to go in pursuit of them on Mon- day. The Count D'ESPAGNE has still a few troops in Catalonia, and CABRERA commands a larger force in Arragon ; and there may be some delay and difficulty yet in completing the suppression of the insurrection ; but the result is no longer doubtful. The French Government have assigned Bourges to Don CARLOS for a temporary residence ; where, General HARISPE assured him, he should be " treated as an unfortunate prince." The Spanish Chamber of Deputies have chosen the Ultra-Libe- ral CALATRAVA for their President. They have also voted an address to the Queen, congratulating her on the late events in Biscay and Navarre, extolling ESPARTERO, and promising to ratify his treaty at Bergara, and to proceed immediately to the favourable considera- tion of a law respecting the Biscayan fueros. The Queen, it is said, intends to publish a general amnesty.