An English Clergyman, (whose Name Is Not Mentioned,)...
be a widower with two daughters, the eldest twenty - five years of age, committed suicide at the Tavern de las Cuatro Naciones, at Barcelona, on the morning of the 28th August,......
The Graham's Town Journal Quotes The Following Passage...
Durham's Report, relative to the disposal of land in the Colonies ; and asserts that not a sentence of it is inapplicable to the Cape of Good Hope- " Everywhere the greatest......
SATURDAY NIGHT. The intelligence from Paris this morning is important. The disco. tent of the people, in consequence of the scarcity of wheat and the high price of bread, has......
On The 3d Of July, The Following Article Appeared In
the Morning Chronicle- d , THE CANADIAN Parsoxerts.—It having been found impracticable to put the Canadian prisoners upon their trial in England, in conformity with the......
Among The Incidents Of Civilization Derived From Europe,...
ment of Adelaide had, on the 31st of March, a suicide, and on the day following, a coroner's inquest on the body. A Mr. Kenneth aPIver had shot himself through the heart. The......