18 FEBRUARY 1832, page 11

Royal Society.

16th February 1832. His Royal Highness the Duke of SUSSEX, K.G. See. President, in the Chair. Mr. Barry was admitted a Fellow of the Royal Society. John Disney Esq. of the Hyde,......

The Army.

West-Oence, February 14.-4th Regt. of Foot Lieut. T. Gibson, from half-pay 97th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Clarke. commuted. Memorandum-The half-pay of the undermentioned Officer......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

BIRTHS. On the 10th inst. in Portland Place, the Lady of Sir WILLIAM CURTIS, Bart. of a daughter. On the 10th inst. in Hereford Street, the Lwly of BERNARD BROCAS, ESq of a sou.......

From The London Gazettes. Tuesday, 14th F Ebruary....

FnEF.MAN and Saint, Bermondsey New Road, soap:manufecturere-l. and 3. 3. PAGE, Standard Hill, Nottinghamshire, lace-manufact urers-L EMIT and IT o . Stock- port,......