16th February 1832. His Royal Highness the Duke of SUSSEX, K.G. See. President, in the Chair. Mr. Barry was admitted a Fellow of the Royal Society. John Disney Esq. of the Hyde, near lngatestoue, was proposed as candidate for election.
The remainder of Sir Charles Bell's paper on the Human Voice was read.
The Mowing presents were received, viz.-La Connoissauce des Tents pour Fan 1934, and L'Annuaire pour Pan 1832, presented by the Board of Longitude of France. On the next Return of Pons's Comet in the year 1e132; by Professor Encke, translatel from the German, with Notes, by Professor Airy. Memoirs of the Literary awl Phi- losophical Society of Manchester, Volutne V.; New Series. The Journal of the Franklin Institute. May 1931. Memoirs of Military Surgery, during the Campaiens .ff the French Army ; by the Baron Larrey. Clinical Surgery in Camp and Milieus' Hos- pitals from 1792 to 1829; by the same. Three parts of the Berlin Catalogue a Stars and Celestial Charts. _Account of the Beulah Saline Spa at Norwood. A Catechism of Health ; by A. B. Granville, M.D. The Anti-Slavery Reporter, Number NC 11 1. Travels in Nubia, Kordofan, and Arabia Petraet ; by Dr. Edward Ruppell. A Treatise on Age; by Dr. Roget, Secretary to the Roeal Society. A Treatise on Asphyxia ; by the same.