On the 10th inst. in Portland Place, the Lady of Sir WILLIAM CURTIS, Bart. of a daughter. On the 10th inst. in Hereford Street, the Lwly of BERNARD BROCAS, ESq of a sou. On the 8th ult. at Corfu. Lady WoonroRD, of a daughter. On the 7th inst. at Southgate, the Lady of J., CARRICK, Esq. of a daughter. On the 12th inst. at 27, Bryanston Square, Mrs. BEAUMONT, of a son. On the 16th ult. the wife of BENTANIIN CAareeer.r. of' Gana:they, a pensioner, of a son. They have been nineteen years married, and Old Ben Is in the 64th year of his age. On the 13th, at Earls Croome Court, the Hon. Mrs. W. COVENTRY, of a /laughter. On the 14th inst. at Leamington, the Lady of Sir C. EDMUND CARuneortIN, of Chal- font St. Giles, Bucks, of a daughter.
At Trinity Church, Marylebone, CHARLES Wooncoce, Esq. of Park Crescent. Port- land Place, to the lion. LOUISA LADY EnmoNsrome, relict of Sir Charles Edumustone. of Duntreath, Stirlingshire, Bart. and youngest daughter of Beaumont, the late Lord Hotham, of South Dalton, Yorkshire.
On the 9th inst. at llexlev,in Kent,the Earl of the lIon_Mrs. C noT.MONDE- LEY, widow of the late 0.-3, Cholmondeley, Esq. and sister to the present Viscount Sydney. On the 7th inst. at St. George's Church, Hanover Square, Lord Viscount MARSTIAM, WM Of Earl Romney, to Lady MARGARET SCOTT. On the 9th inst. Captain BeAumoser, of the Royal Navy, to the Hon. SirsAN lIrssF.V BOsviLLE MAcooNALD, fourth daughter of the Right Hon. Lord Macdonald, at his Lordship's seat, Thorpe, near Bridlington. At Bonn Church, Isle of Wight, Lieut. T. P. BRAS:el/ER, of the Royal Navy, to EVERELDA, seventh daughter of Captain Woodlufm. Also, on the 8th, inst. at Southall'', too, Hants, Captain IfAsEr,woun, to CLARIssA, sixth daughter of Captain Wu:milieus Bedford Place, Isle of Wight. At Wigton, on the 3Ist ult. JOHN BABINGTON, Esq. of the Honourable 11,1-1 Company's civil service, Madras eetahlishment, and of Summorrille, Durnfricsshi,.... to JANE, second daughter of the late Robert Cooper, Esq. M.D. Wigton. On the 2nd inst at the Church, of St. S:Iviour's, his Grace the Arehhisia.p 01 York, the Rev. W. IL DrYor, l'icar of l tl hopthorpe, Canon lt esidentiary Volk, in MARY ANNE. elde,a daughteT of the Tat- Roar-Ark:int] Hugh 11..14 At Louth, MDMIAEL CAYANNAIT, aged seVenteen, to JANE LoWlir. atred ce:trteen! On the 9th inst. at Oswestry, Sir BALnwty Ls:mm=4 of ledon Park. eel, .1,, Bart, to MARY, daughter t T. N. Parker, of Sweeney Hell, in (he same county. Esq. On the 14th inst. at St. James's Church, ions: Hexr Bee ER, youngest Sohn Boger. Esq. of Wolsdon, Cornwall, to MARGARET, only daughter of Major :11,rcer, Gi As zyll Place, Hanover Square. TAKING A FLEET.-On the 15th ult. at Buffalo, Mr. LEV/ WILLIAMS to Mis,, NA NCS TWENTY CANOES.-Matt York Standard.
On the 15th inst. by special licence, in Brunswick Square. PETER MtGILL, Esq. of Montreal. Member of the Legislative Council, Lower Canada, to ELIZA, only daugh- ter of John Shuter, Esq. Hocomb House, I lendon. Lately, after forty-six years' courtship, Mr. J. Wrens, aged eighty:fuer, to Miss Ezra I's sit, both of Creeting, Suffolk. On the 16th inst. at St. James's Church, GEORGE LAKE RUSSELL, Esq. Youngest eon of the Itieht Honourable Sir Henry Russell, to Lady CAROLINE ALICIA DIANA PERY, youngest 'daughter of the Earl of Limerick. Or: the 11t11 si at the Parish Church n W
of Alnwick, IIENv .
of Glenridding, Cumberland, to Miss LUCY PERCY, third 4Iaughtcr of the Bishop of
On the 4th of December, at the Government Ilonse, St. Lucia, Colonel J. W. 3TeLLER. C.B. Governor of that island. This is the third Governor that has died tire in the space of two years.
On the 10th inst. at Hoddesdon, WILLIAM PEERE WILLIAMS FREEMAN, Eeq. Senior Admiral of the Fleet, in his 91st year. On the 11th inst. at her residence, Clapton, Mrs. TROWEL relict of Thomas Trower, Esq. in her 91st year. On the 9th inst. at Donnington, in her 30th year, HARRIET ELIZADETTI, Wife of the Rev. P. Cotes.
On the 10th inst. ANN, the wife of Mr. William Turner. ofeheapside, after a lingering illness from the premature birth of her twenty-ninth On the 11th inst. at Edinburgh, the Rev. Dr. JOHN ilonesoN, Minister of Blantyre, near Hamilton.
On the 5th inst. in his 81st year, the Rev. Joins TEmPLER,of Lindridge House, Devon; and on the 12th inst. at the same place, in her 74th year, ANNE DE La Nix, relict of the late Sir John de la Pole, Bart. of Shute House, Devon, and only sister of the above. On the 13th inst. at Yates Court, Kent,the -Honourable FRANCES ELIZABETH BENG, daughter of the late and twin sister of the present Viscount Torrington, in her 201h year. On the 13th inst. at Dyrham Rectory, near Bath, in his 74th year, Sir GEORGE ABER- CROMBTE Roancsmr, Bart. many_ years a Director of the East India Company. On the 10th inst. at Torquay, WILLIAM Auousens LANE Fox, Esq. brother to George L, Fox, Esq. M.P. of Brambam Park, Yorkshire. •