16 SEPTEMBER 1905, page 3

The Contention Is Sound In The Main, But The Writer

very much overstates his case. A correspondent in Tuesday's Times quotes the instances of Londonderry, Gibraltar, and Acre, which show that a fortress may be useful in certain......

The Times Of Last Saturday Contained An Interesting...

its military correspondent on " The Fortress Incubus." He quotes from Vauban, the greatest of all masters of fortifi- cation, the remarkable saying : " Les places de guerre sent......

An Interesting Letter, Signed On Behalf Of The British And

Foreign Sailors' Society by Lord Brassey, Lord Kinnaird, the Bishop of Hereford, and others, appears in Thursday's Times. The signatories, who lay proper stress on the great......

Applying Another Test To Three Mines — Simmer And Jack,

Glen Deep, and Angelo—using coolie labour last June, and dividing the tons milled by the number of coolies employed, the writer obtains an average of 9+ tons per coolie per......

In A Letter To Sir John Colomb, M.p., Published In

Monday's papers Mr. Walter Long made an important announcement in regard to the land purchase deadlock in Ireland. After explaining the difficulties which led to the rejection......

Mr. Balfour Opened A Bazaar At North Berwick On Saturday

last in aid of the funds of the 7th Volunteer Battalion of Royal Scots, and spoke at length on the future of the Volun- teers. That force now threw on the taxpayer a......

Sir Alfred Lyall Contributes To The Times Of Saturday Last

a striking letter on Army administration in India. He does not write from the point of view of a thick-and-thin admirer of Lord Curzon's policy, but as a distinguished Indian......