Applying another test to three mines — Simmer and Jack,
Glen Deep, and Angelo—using coolie labour last June, and dividing the tons milled by the number of coolies employed, the writer obtains an average of 9+ tons per coolie per month. We give the sequel in his own words :—" Now, in the report of the Rand Mines (Limited) for 1903, the chairman gave the average number of Kaffirs working during the year as 8,898. The number of tons milled was 1,447,502, so that the work of each Kaffir represented 131 tons per month. Other things being equal, therefore, the Kaffir apparently does nearly 50 per cent. more work than the coolie. It must be evident, from these figures, that the Chinese have not been a success financially or economically, and, with the social difficulties in addition, the hope of any material improvement is extremely remote."