16 SEPTEMBER 1905, Page 3

An interesting letter, signed on behalf of the British and

Foreign Sailors' Society by Lord Brassey, Lord Kinnaird, the Bishop of Hereford, and others, appears in Thursday's Times. The signatories, who lay proper stress on the great legacy of example which Nelson bequeathed to the nation by his consecration to duty, call attention to the forthcoming cele- bration on October 21st of Nelson's Centennial. Demon- strations are to be held throughout the Empire, and in particular it is proposed to signalise this anniversary by raising a special Nelson Centenary Memorial Fund for the benefit of the seamen of the Royal, mercantile, and fishing fleets, for which purpose it is hoped that a sum of £50,000 will be contributed. Subscriptions may be sent to the Bank of England, or to the Secretary, British and Foreign Sailors' Society, 680 Commercial Road, London, E.

Bank Rate, 3 per cent.

Consols (21 per cent.) were on Friday 89g.