It Wasn't Bugs
Sir: Alasdair Palmer should pay more atten- tion when he watches the box. In his review of the Bernard Williams's The Making of Humanity (Books, 30 September) he refers to Bugs......
Greek Honour
Sir: Taki tells us that the Greek people `were led by King George and John Metaxas to resist the Axis powers longer than France, Denmark, Holland and Bel- gium did' (High life,......
Don't Call, Mother
Sir: I was interested to read Charlotte Roe's article 'Adoption is never simple' (7 October). It helped me to understand what it must be like for a mother to give up her child......
Carry On, Morris
Sir: Contrary to the impression given by Laurence Marks' article 'Rocking on its foundations' (Arts, 30 September), The Prince of Wales's Institute of Architecture is......
Brown Pastures
Sir: Charles Fyffe (Letters, 30 September) writes: 'Born 20 April 1889 in Vienna, he was christened Adolf.' Hitler was Austrian, but not Viennese. He was born in the Innviertel......