Lamb To The Slaughter
Sir: Is Nigel Nicolson just testing your read- ers' memory? He claims to have killed an animal deliberately on only one occasion (Long life, 20 November). I recollect his vivid......
Gotha Blazes
Sir: When the English make pronounce- ments on continental nobility or aristocracy they, with the notable exception of Mr Alastair Forbes, almost invariably spout drivel.......
Braine Lapse
Sir: Your Belgian correspondent (Letters, 13 November) is incorrect. The site of Napoleon's defeat on 18 June 1815 was Mont St Jean, not Braine l'Alleud. Braine l'Alleud was an......
V. Interesting
Sir: Undoubtedly the people of Notting- hamshire do have their own way of pro- nouncing certain place names in their coun- ty (Prom cobblestones to juggernauts', 4 December).......
Hitting The Target
Sir: Barry Legg's belief (Letters, 23 Octo- ber) that the so-called targeting of welfare benefits will reduce a burgeoning beneficia- ry class is wrong. Targeting of welfare......
Sir: Simon Heffer (Politics, 6 November) decries 'modern' education on the grounds that it would not have taught him how to divide £400 million by 22,000. He then pro- ceeds to......
Sir: In Which Century Does Elisabeth Luard Picture Saxons...
under the Roman '1 married an air hostess. I can tell you the charm and graciously efficient service very soon went to pot.' yoke protected by forts on the Trent? Hadrian's wall......
Vulgar Fraction
Sir: In a rather pathetic letter (27 Novem- ber) David Kemp, the Canterbury Dioce- san Secretary, asks for understanding and encouragement towards church bureaucrats. I trust......
Bottom Line
Sir: The correct name for the human fun- dament is anus. It is Mr Morris who is the ass (Letters, 27 November). K F. E. Daniel Ball Hall, Broughton in Furness, Cumbria......