CANADA.—The Governor, Sir James Kempt, and the Legislature, have parted
this session on uncommonly good terms. Sir James grumbles at the
parsimony of the Legislature, but promises to husband well the sums that have been voted. In this country we always find good husbandry a conse- quence of a sparing vote : we recommend to the people of Canada to stick to the practice they have begun. The commerce of the Province is rapidly increasing. The vessels cleared inwards and outwards in 1829 amounted to above 474,000 tons, being an increase of about 25 per cent, over their amount in 1828.
NOVA Scoxia.—There is a bit of a rumpus, as the Cockneys say, be- tween the Council and the House of Assembly in this colony. The Speaker of the latter had indulged in some pretty strong language against the Coun- cil for rejecting a revenue bill, and another member spoke with equal seve- rity on the same subject. The report of these speeches was submitted to the Council, by the Attorney-General ; and they passed some very intem- perate resolutions, in which the speeches were designated " gross, scanda- lous, and libellous." These resolutions were sent down to the House of Assembly ; where all that they produced was a vote of thanks to the Speaker, for his talents, integrity, and abilities." Hereupon the Council declared to the President, that they would have nothing more to do with the Assem- bly; and the President finding it in vain to attempt any thing with the two bodies while they were not on speaking terms, dissolved the Assembly. By this quarrel, the people of Nova Scotia have got rid for one year at least of a very considerable custom-duty ; the former bill having expired, and no new one having been passed. We wish our two Houses would come to high words, or fistycuffs if they preferred it, on any subject which would save us eight or ten millions of taxes for the ensuing year ! TERCEIRA REGENCY.—The proclamations published by this body, some of which have reached Lisbon, are said to have created a strong sensation, especially among the soldiers. One has been flogged to death for insubordi- nation. This is the old story. It is added, in the letters of the 1st, that the want of pay is acutely felt by the employes. We can easily believe this : want of pay is an occasion of very unpleasant feeling even here. DUTCH FINANCES.—A proposal for reducing the interest on the Syndi. cate Bonds to 44- per cent. has passed the Second Chamber of the States General, by a considerable majority. It was supported by the example of Russia, Austria, and England. LIBERTY or THE PRE ss.—At Brussels, an advocate named Claes and his clerk have been imprisoned, and all the papers of the former seized, in consequence of the publication of a letter reflecting on the sentence of M. de Potter. The letter was inserted in the Courier de Pays Bas. In this, as in lowering their dividends, we suppose the Netherlands Government will quote the example of Russia, Austria, and England.
FRENCH Fu Nos.—These securities have been for some time past declin- ing, without any very marked cause to account for it. Perhaps the excessive issue of Bons Royaux, and the anticipated necessity of funding them, may have contributed.
LAME DUCKS.—The French appear to have imported lately a few of these well-known fowls. At the last settlement on the Parisian Stock Exchange, there were several defaulters, one of them an English baronet, whose dif. ferences amounted to a quarter of a million of francs, (10,000/.) NaroilEoN's MOTHER.—This venerable lady, who is now in her eighty- third year, fell, in the Villa Borghesp Mime), on the 22d ult., and broke her thigh-bone, Great fears are entertained for her life, in consequence of the severe accident, and:the danger of inflammation at her advanced age. She is very wealthy, and it is said young Napoleon will be her heir. THE DUKE D'ANGOULEME.—This royal personage is amusing himself with inspecting the troops and vessels destined for the expedition to Algiers, at Toulon and its neighbourhood. He has been everywhere well received. On the 5th, a grand experiment of the efficacy of the landing vessels was made, which excited the highest admiration in the assembled Touliewse.
THE GRAND DUNE or BADEN.—This sovereign is said to have found, In the recesses of the palace-walls, a vast treasure, hidden there by the late 'Duke. This will serve better to fortify his title than the discovery of a pa- tent of maternal nobility would have done. KING OF Sarum NIA.—While the French frigate the Alert° was at Genoa a few weeks ago, with a view to inquire respecting a Tunisia:I corvette that had escaped from Algiers, the King of Sardinia, at the head of six thousand very finely-appointed troops, entered that ancient republican city. His Majesty, it appears, pays it a three months' visit every year. GREECE.—By a decree of the 13th February, certain tracts of land, which are national property, have been ordered to be surveyed, and their produce to be set apart as a guarantee for the dividends of the proposed national bank. The shares appear to be taken up very slowly. ACADEMY OF INSCRIPTIONS, PARIS—The six places that have been so long vacant were filled up on the 7th. There were no fewer than twelve ballots on the occasion. The successful candidates were Messrs. Thurot, Champollion jeune, Augustin, Thierry, Lajard, Jaubert, and Mionnet. NOVEL EXPORTS.—A box was carried over lately from Gibraltar to Tan- gier, directed to the Sardinian Consul ; and on being opened, it was found to contain a fine child in perfect health and fast asleep. THE RUSSIANS IN TURKEY.—Letters from the banks of the Danube, dated April 2, mention, on what they term authority, that the greater part the Russian troops were about to repass the Pruth, leaving in the Principalities only a small corps under General Kisseloff. As soon its this was effected, the troops now in Bulgaria would, it was expected, cross the Danube on their route to Russia also. A line of quarantine has been established along the whole of the left of the Danube, and all communication forbidden be- tween the two banks, unless at five appointed places, and at these only for the exchange of merchandize. SIR SIDNEY SMITH'S OPINION Or ALCIERS.—This gallant veteran has addressed a memorial to the French Ministry, in which he states, as his decided opinion, that unless the French fleet sail boldly into the harbour, attack the batteries, and land the troopS at the City of Algiers, the expedition will not succeed. Sir Sidney considers the hope of success from a ibeitindidall at-
tack to be altogether visionary. He is supported in his views by Captain Johnson, and many other officers both English and French. It is even as- serted, that, from the nature of the coast, no landing can be effected, as the boats cannot be covered. The Ministry have thanked Sir Sidney for his information, but observe that it comes too late.
SANDWICH ISLANDS.—A letter from one of these islands, dated last No- vember, says—" Tahaite has long since been the residence of the Missionaries from England ; and their labours have been rewarded by almost incredible reform among the natives. They have good laws, trial by jury. line churches, and begin to feel the benefits of industry and cultivation of the soil, which promises, from its good quality, rich harvests to the agriculturist." A land where the people have good laws, trials by jury, and fine churches, and are beginning to feel the benefits of cultivating the SOH, MUSL Do a unnusity of no small interest.
ERRATITM.—The volume of Philosophical Problems, which we noticed favourably in our last Number, is by the Reverend Dr. Miles Bland, of St. John's College, Cambridge.