trates on Saturday, to request summonses, under the Journeymen's Act,
against a Mr. Lister, an attorney, on whom the charge of the paper had devolved since the imprisonment of the editors, Messrs. Alexander and Isaacson, in Newgate and the King's Bench. They stated that there was due to them about 2001., and that they and their families were suffering severely in consequence. By the advice of the Magistrate, two cases were selected, and summonses granted on these. The parties appeared again before Sir Richard Birnie on Wednesday ; when, after a long argument from Mr. Harmer on the part of Mr. Lister, the Magistrates determined that that gentleman had rendered himself liable to the payment of wages demanded, and allowed him twenty-one days to make it good ; summary warrants to be issued in case of his noncompliance within that period.
CHARMS AGAINST IMMORALITY.—A person named McCarthy was charged at Union Hall with robbing aud maltreating two sailors. His identity had been previously spoken to by the parties robbed, but when the case was called at the police-office, it was found that they had been decoyed away by 11IcCarthy's wife. The accused declared it to be impossible he could com- mit such an offence while he wore a charm of holy water about him. The crime-preventing charm was produced, and proved to be in the following form :— " In the Holy and Blessed Name of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Angels, Archangels, Seraphim, and the Rubictis, and all the Saints and Angels of God, I, James McCarthy, keep this holy water of the 8th of De- cember, 1829, with the holy water of the 25th, being the conception and nativity, with the holy waterof the 1st of January following, 1830, as a preservation against drunken-
ness, dishonesty, and irregular desires—so help me God.—O, my Blessed Judge, help
me I Our Holy Father, the rope, Itend in our cilium, aSSIbt. Jes..1
The Magistrate did not believe implicitly in the virtue of this safeguard of McCarthy's virtue, and the sinner was remanded with a view to final committal.
LUNATIC ASYLUMS.—A respectable female, whose conversation did not indicate any thing like insanity, was brought to Union Hall on Monday, by one of the Inspectors of Police. She had been found wandering that morn- ing on the banks of the Surry Canal, in a very disconsolate condition, drenched with the rain that was then falling, and to which she had ap- parently been exposed the whole of the previous night. When questioned by the Magistrate, no inducement could prevail on her to tell her name, or whence she had come ; but she stated that she had been confined in a luna- tic asylum, and had escaped ; and she urged, in defence of her reservedness, her terror of being sent back to it. On Tuesday, the female conductress of a house in Regent's Park applied to have the lady restored to her ; repre- senting that she had been committed to her care about seven weeks before, under a certificate of Dr. Munro. The Magistrate, who had placed the lady in a house in the neighbourhood, refused to accede to the application. ROBBERY OF MADAME VESTRis.—Madame Vestris attended at Marl- borough Street on Monday, to prosecute her charge against the two young men, Thomas and Charles Garland, accused of robbing her of a veil, two rings, six sovereigns, and three ten-pound notes. The veil had been reco- vered, but the rings were said to have been thrown away. Two of the ten- pound notes had been traced, one of which Thomas Garland had passed in his own name, and another in the name of Mr. Stansbury, 33, Curzon Street, May Fair. Bladame Vestris said, that the method of plundering her, adopted by the prisoners, had been carried to such an extent, that she felt compelled to put a stop to it. The prisoners were remanded until the attendance of the Bank-clerk who paid one of the notes could be procured. The two young men were re-examined on Thursday ; when the value of the veil was sworn to as 6/. One of the rings has, it seems, been found in the dusthole of the police station to which they were first taken. The pay- ment of the three notes was proved by Mr. Dyer, from the Bank of Eng. land. The prisoners were then fully committed.
SrEsariso.—At the Mansionhouse on Tuesday, Mary Cale was charged with robbing her grandmother of seventeen sovereigns, which the old woman had laid by for her own and her husband's funeral. The girl had got admission to her grandmother's on pretence of being afraid of her father, when she broke open the chest where the money was deposited, and ran off with it. Catherine Cale, the mother, was described as boasting of the theft. Catherine Cale—" God help you! I was drunk at the time,. or I never would have said any such nonsense. Mary never robbed you of a farthing, mother." Mrs. Foster—" Arrah ! then Katty, be aisy: sure you know she robbed me—sure didn't you wake me and Paddy afore we were dead 2 They did, sure enough, your Lordship. Katty's husband wouldn't work a morsel ever since I was robbed, and they've been drinking and dancing my money away amongst 'em, and my husband and I must be laid out and have our last quilt put over us by the parish. It's we that didn't expect to be put under ground in that way." Katty was discharged, but Mary was fully committed.
COALMEASURING.—Messrs. Edington and Company, of Earl Street, Blackfriars, have been convicted before the Magistrates at the Guildhall, in
three penalties of 19/. 10s. each, for delivering coals to Christ Church Hos. pital, in ;sacks that were not full measure. No fraud was intended or at- tempted, the deficiency being made up by an extra number of sacks ; but the Act is imperative against this mode of average measure, and requires that each individual sack shall contain not less than three bushels. Sir .Peter Laurie said he would recommend the dismissal of a servant of the Hospital, and also of the meter of Messrs. Edington's wharf, through whose negligence the error had been occasioned.
N C-DR or el N n.—A man named Jones was charged at Worship Street, on Wednesday, with this hackneyed offence. It appeared that he had pro- cured eight shillings and sixpence from a young woman named Ilet, for two finger-rings and a pair of ear-rings, worth altogether less than a shilling, which he pretended to pick up in the road to Kentish Town, where she had bails walking the previous day. There were other charges of a similar nature against him, and he was in consequence remanded. PAINTERS AND SITTER s.—A Mr. Emmerson was charged at Union Hall, on Thursday, by a 3liss Benson, with detaining a miniature likeness which she had painted of him. He had had it for seven mouths; and when payment was applied for, he refixed to make it. Mr. Emmerson considered that he had a right to the painting, as he had been requested to sit, and had done so at considerable inconvenience. The Magistrates, however, thought otherwise, and Miss Benson got back her work again. COLD BA'fillan.___011 Sunday morning, an elderly man jumped into the canal in s t. James's Park, under pretence of drowning himself: he was dragged out by two police-ollicers, and carried to St. Margaret's watchhouse, where he saw fit to recover. We must really enter our protest against these open attempts at suicide. There is no good to be expected from them. 31,sec:1 or.) OLLIT Y.—Ninety-seven persons were brought up to Union Hall, on Monday, charged with being drunk on Sunday.