An annan TorararawacitE's COACH max.—Wrhile Admiral Tollemache was attending the
Society for Evangelizing the Natives of the Continent, on Wednesday, at Freernasiins' Tavern, his coachman kept driving furiously up and down Great Queen Street, and finished by driving over a poor man who was accidentally crossing. So much for the Christian servants of Evangelical naval officers !
A fellow of genteel appearance contrived on Thursday evening to obtain
admission to the house 3Ir. Holmes, ALP., on pretence of visiting Lady Strong. (Mr, Hohnes's lady.) lie gave his name as a Mr. Grant ; and while the servant went up stairs to announce him, lie slipped into the par- lour :old began to disinenniber the sideboard of its contents. Luckily the silver slalom; jingled, and the servant coining down stairs to see what was the matter, found the fellow attempting to escape at the street-door. He was immediately seized, and conveyed to the watchhouse. Dan e Rominny—Mr. William Pegg, of Aldersgate Buildings, Was attacked by three men when returning homeward by Hackney Downs on Saturday night : they tied a handkerchief over his face, and after threatening to non der him it' he made the slightest noise, robbed him of nineteen sove- reigns and 4/. 1G,. in silver. ROBBERY AND Munnata—In the beginning of the month, a poor paralysed creature, a beggar in the neighbourhood of 'Roscommon, was robbed, and so inhumanly treated that he expired in a few days after. The aaa-aa,i saaith s he was immediately
ruffian win • seized, and, on the evidence of the dying man, has been committed for the murder.
,AlaxstaircirTER.—A drunken vagabond named 11I`Gloughlin, an inmate of a house in Old Wynd, Glasgow, which bears the appropriate name of the " Elea-barracks," last week kicked a watchman who was conveying him to the svatchhouse, so severely that the poor man died in about three minute after. Ill'biloughlin is a little fellow, and the Glasgow Chronicle adds, " of by no means a prepossessing appearance." We should have wondered if he were.
RITSSEL TIIE CONVICT.—This man, who was found guilty of the murder of a female named Joan Turner, was to have been executed on Monday at Taunton, but he has been again respited.